Flavia Dalzell Payne

Flavia is a Three Principles (Mental Health) Practitioner and a mentee of Dr George Pransky, a pioneer in bringing The Three Principles (3P) understanding into the field of psychology.

The Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought (as articulated by Sydney Banks) are the foundational principles that create all psychological experience. They are a metaphor for the mind, describing how it works, and their discovery is a breakthrough in our understanding of human psychological functioning. They offer a new paradigm for mental health (the "inside-out" psychological paradigm) and awaken people to their innate health and resilience, elevating their potential.

Learning how the mind works from the 'inside-out' helps people to reduce the wearing effects of chronic stress and anxiety, leading to:

  • higher levels of performance, productivity and personal effectiveness;
  • better communication and connection with others, improving relationships;
  • more clarity of mind, creativity, resilience, happiness and well-being.


2023 is the 50th anniversary of Sydney Banks's insight into the nature of the mind. Follow the link below to Flavia’s short video recorded for the 3P Global Community (the international organisation that serves as the practitioner’s hub) for the anniversary celebration. She talks about what her life was like before she learned this understanding, what her first insights were, how her life has changed and what this understanding means for the field of mental health: Hope for Humanity (and how the 3P transformed my parenting).


Flavia has worked in the corporate world for twenty-five years: for the National Securities and Research Corporation in New York; The Economist Group in Vienna; Artemis (Fine Arts) Group and Korn/Ferry International in London; and for fifteen years for Senn Delaney, ultimately as their Business Development Director, EMEA. Senn Delaney is an international consulting firm focused on transforming corporate cultures to enhance the spirit and performance of organisations through changing the behaviours and mindsets of leaders and teams.